Monday, March 9, 2009


 It is still winter- will spring ever come? This is the picture above our bed, It is what I dream about- summer and the beach!
   We had a cultural evening on Friday... Gene and Sharon O. invited a bunch of their friends over for a light supper. Gene had us all sing many golden oldies from before my time! I guess I am not so old after all:) Then we went to a barbershop quartet performance. I wasn't too sure about going but I am so social I had to go. Actually I was pretty amazed and impressed! Saturday we were in Illinois ( Dave's old stamp'n grounds) for the funeral of a faithful man. He died very unexpectedly at the age of 60. It is a good reminder that life is very fragile and uncertain. Sunday was 2 meetings and then out to eat with good friends and some good laughs!


The Chairman's Wife said...

BTW I would love to go to a barbershop concert! You would have seen some of my family in IL! And... happy new week to you!

Diane T. said...

Hey, I hear you about the beach part. I, too, am dreaming of hot summer and sandy beaches. Wisconsin winters are about 2 months too long.

Lani said...

Lovin' your beach on a wall. *strains to hear the waves rolling into shore*